
Northwoods Fiber Arts, LLC.
105 Miner Avenue East
Ladysmith, WI 54848
Telephone & FAX #: 715-532-5858
Email Address:
Blog Address:

Store Hours:
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - 12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday - 12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Thursday - 12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday - 12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday - 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Sunday - Closed

About Us

United States
Lisa Podgornik and Kathy Revak are the owners of Northwoods Fiber Arts, LLC. We began our friendship through our daytime jobs as being co-workers. We found that we both shared some very similar attributes! It just so happened that Kathy made the mistake of showing how to master the simple knit stitch and away we went! We became completed obsessed with knitting! We soon became yarn horders and just couldn't get enough fiber in our greedy little paws. That was when we decided to seriously discuss a business venture. We were truly the luckiest two women in the world when we found our fairy godmother, Ruth Ralston! She is the one who allowed for this business venture to actually become a reality. We had a vision with our building and went to it with our wonderful families support and help. If it wasn't for them putting in just as much if not more sweat equity into the remodeling of the building, we would still be peeling carpet from the tile floor! Our grand opening was quite a success! It was standing room only. We had such a great support network and a very positive feedback from the people in the community. Ever since then it has been an amazing journey.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hello Everyone & Welcome to...

Northwoods Fiber Arts, LLC.

Thank you for visiting our blog. We want to make your experience fun and informative. Northwoods Fiber Arts, LLC. was started by Kathy Revak and Lisa Podgornik, co-workers, who had the same vision of getting all the creative people they knew under one roof to share their passion for knitting and crocheting. The store started out as a retail business for the fiber arts. We set up shop in Ladysmith, Wisconsin, a small town located in northwestern Wisconsin. The concept behind the store is to create one spot for a wide array of inspiration and creativity. The name "Northwoods Fiber Arts, LLC.", to us refers to the creativity that runs through all of us. Our vision is to offer products and training in many of the time honored fiber art mediums, to people who otherwise might not have the opportunity to have these skills passed down to them from family members.

The internet is just one more way for us to reach out to many of you who might find yourself living in an area devoid of such undeveloped creative energy as we have here in northern Wisconsin. We want to be your resource for products and hopefully not too far in the future we can provide you with many more products and classes.

If you think you might enjoy a trip to northern Wisconsin, some time in the future, please let us know. We can suggest some local hotels to make your stay relaxing and easy to access Northwoods Fiber Arts, LLC. and other famous attractions in Rusk County.

Some of you might be under too much stress from work and you have been thinking that getting back to working with your hands might be just the trick to get your life back into balance. Email us with your needs and wants. We want to get better at filling your needs, and serving you.

Once again, thank you for visiting, and we hope you return soon! Oh, and please tell a friend about us.

1 comment:

Snowbunnies said...

hey i am so glad to see you up on the net. loved the new sock yarn and can't wait for all of the other great stuff you mentioned to arrive! let me know when the new class schedule comes out. I honestly believe that I am suffering from restless finger syndrome!